The “future” will surely stall if we continue to use the various resources, such as crude oil that are bounties of earth, like water, to develop as we have been doing until now. Are you concerned of the situation but don’t know what to do about it? What can we do? The answer is the development of “energy that can coexist with earth”. The future that OILLESS ENERGY aims for, utilizing “energy that can coexist with earth” is just around the corner.

“Electromagnetic wave energy” that we, OILLESS ENERGY advocate is a new form of energy that will lead the next generation. It is an initiative that can contribute to Japan and the world by meeting the challenge for new energy in order to survive with earth. Experts from various fields are conducting research to develop technologies and equipment for practical use to supply next-generation energy using electromagnetic waves.
OILLESS ENERGY is also developing new biomass energy. Organic resources such as waste oil and nut shells are efficiently converted into energy and used. We aim to create a recycling-oriented energy that effectively utilizes things that would normally be thrown away. Let’s step into a future where we can provide stable energy supply with our clean energy business that opens new doors for biomass energy.
Revolutionize the world with the third energy.
That is the mission

Kaoru Uno

Executive Officer/In charge of Agriculture
Toshihiko Yamana

Director/In charge of Domestic Liaison
Yasuo Arafuka
We each have specialized fields such as fuel, agriculture, and industry, and are jointly developing a new energy while utilizing the knowledge and expertise we have accumulated in each or those fields. Because energy is necessary in every field, we are working diligently to develop new energy source.